The power point presentation has been very important to social studies teachers over the more recent years since it has been the best way to present historical information. This factual information must be organized and clear so students can understand it and write it down successfully. I do agree that power points are important for social studies teachers to use because students are used to seeing this kind of format and it has been the only thing recently that has been sufficient enough to present the information. I just recently have learned about Prezi, which is a new type of presentation format that seems to be more engaging than the power point presentation. Even though power point presentations have accomplished the task of presenting the information, it has lacked the aspects that engage students so they remember the information they are being presented. Social studies classes need to be more engaging and creative and I think Prezi can help accomplish these goals.
When I was looking at the Prezi website to start my own account and to learn more about the software, a quote by Rob Campbell, who is the founder of power point, is displayed. This quote states, “Prezi has a marvelous approach to the visualization of information–the freshest I’ve seen since the 1980s.” I thought it was interesting and compelling for Prezi to use a quote from the power point founder to show how effective this software can be. Prezi allows the user to use 3D in the presentation, to use the presentation anywhere online, use 3D templates, store the presentation on or offline, insert videos from the web, and most importantly, sync the presentation with the iPhone or iPad. I thought it was most important that this presentation can sync with things like the iPhone or iPad because it can be easily accessed. Technical difficulties can occur at any time so by having Prezi available on something like a cell phone and being able to rely on it almost all the time is a beneficial aspect to have.
Overall, I like both power point and Prezi but I feel that Prezi may be the new way for teachers to present their information. For social studies especially, we are trying to find new ways to get our students to love the subject and engage in classroom activity. I think that Prezi is the next step in presentations for both teachers and students in not only the social studies classroom, but all other subjects as well.
I liked your point about how power points are important to social studies classroom. Often times, we are told that they shouldn't just be a copy of what teachers are saying, but I think that is the key for social studies. Since history is essentially a narrative, lectures are important (though they should not be used everyday), and power point really helps to supplement this narrative. I also hadn't heard of Prezi until recently, and I'm still on the fence about it. I like the fact that everything is kept on a cloud and it's more convenient when presenting, but something I think that it could be a little too busy. I'm sure that with the right approach, just like with powerpoint, it could be created to it's not too distracting.
ReplyDeleteI have heard so much about Prezis but I have never used it on my own. I think that Prezis are a good idea because they have fun animations which are just a little more interesting for students. I also like the way you mentioned how Prezis are stored on the internet and can be pulled up on an iPhone or an iPad. It is always great to have a back up plan in case a computer is giving a problem.
ReplyDeleteKeri, its good to see that you appreciate a new approach to powerpoint presentations like Prezi. I discovered Prezi a few weeks ago and thought it was great way to present important educational content that will encourage students to engage in the subject matter by having three-dimensional visuals that animate content on one canvas. I actually wrote a blog about Prezi and was easily able to create a presentation on Pablo Picasso. As a future art teacher, I recognize the importance of using illustrations, especially when presenting works of art. Not only can art students have the opportunity to respond to works of art, but also students in your content area can engage in historical events.